Bosco Charity Association Annual Charity Ball 2018
The Bosco Charity Association (BCA) Annual Charity Ball 2018 was successfully held on the 12th October, 2018 (Friday) at the Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong. This fifth annual charity ball of BCA carried a special theme – Carnival of Venice and has drawn near 300 honorable guests. Many of guests put up with gorgeous Venice face masks.
The evening was filled with joy and laughter and a unique menu in combination with Grand Hyatt’s excellent dessert buffet and great wines. While all the guests were enjoying the fine dishes, a series of delightful singing performances was delivered on the stage from Rev Fr Matthew Chan, SDB, Miss Siu Hoi Yan, Michelle, and Mr Thomas Yeung. Their performances not only contributed their beautiful voices, but also brought a handsome amount of donation.
For this year, there were 8 distinct items for live auction and 28 prizes for raffle draw.